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Do., 06. Juni



Body Rhythm Festival - Will's Workshop

The body, the player and the layers of movement. Where does a movement start and until where can it reverberate? Exploring qualities of presence, textures of movement and compositions in space through games, rhythms and celebrations.

Body Rhythm Festival - Will's Workshop
Body Rhythm Festival - Will's Workshop

Time & Location

06. Juni 2024, 19:00 – 09. Juni 2024, 20:00

Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

About The Event

"The body, the player, and the layers of movement" 

This workshop delves into the intricate relationship between the body, movement, and expression. It prompts participants to ponder where movement originates and how far its impact can extend.

Throughout the workshop, participants explore the nuances of movement, considering questions such as: What initiates a movement, and how does it propagate through space? What sensations and emotions accompany each gesture?

The workshop encourages participants to examine movement not only as a physical action but also as a multisensory experience. For example, they might contemplate the texture of a clap—how it feels against the palms, the sound it produces, and the energy it releases. Similarly, they might explore the visceral sensation of a beat, delving into its rhythm, tempo, and emotional resonance.

Through a series of engaging activities, games, and rhythmic exercises, participants deepen their understanding of presence, texture, and composition in movement. They celebrate the richness and diversity of movement expressions, discovering new ways to inhabit space and communicate through their bodies.

By fostering an environment of curiosity, experimentation, and celebration, "The body, the player, and the layers of movement" workshop invites participants to expand their physical and expressive capacities, enriching their relationship with movement and deepening their connection to themselves and others.


Bewegungswelten Studios Stresemannstraße 374b 22761 Hamburg Germany

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